As Tinubu Embarks On Projects Inauguration Spree

As Tinubu Embarks On Projects Inauguration Spree

As Embarks On Projects Inauguration Spree …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

As President 's administration marked its first anniversary, a wave of commissioned and launched infrastructure projects swept across .

These unveilings showcased the 's commitment to bridging the nation's infrastructure gap as a catalyst for economic resurgence. From new roads and bridges to rail networks, Tinubu inaugurated and flagged off several ambitious projects that are expected to drive growth, enhance productivity and improve citizens' welfare over the long-term.

In Nigeria's economic nerve center of Lagos, Tinubu unveiled the newly reconstructed 36km Apapa-Oworonshoki-Ojota-Oshodi Expressway linking the nation's premier ports to other parts of the state.

This vital artery will enhance access to the Apapa and Tin Can Island ports, boosting efficiency for port operations and commercial activities in the area. The original expressway, built in the late 1970s, had fallen into disrepair over decades of heavy use and lack of maintenance. Its reconstruction using concrete pavement technology was executed in four sections by Dangote Industries under Nigeria's tax credit scheme for road infrastructure, with Hitech Construction as the sub-contractor.

Tinubu also virtually inaugurated the recently rehabilitated Third Mainland Bridge, the longest of three bridges connecting Lagos Island to the mainland at 11.8km. Completed in 1990, the bridge recently underwent comprehensive rehabilitation works to improve its structural integrity and extend its operational lifespan by several more decades. The rehabilitation involved replacing all expansion joints and addressing other maintenance issues that had affected the bridge's condition over time.

In a historic move, President Tinubu flagged off construction of the 700km Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway, an ambitious road infrastructure project that will traverse nine states along Nigeria's coastal belt. When completed, this highway will unlock immense economic potential in the coastal territories by catalyzing development of new commercial hubs and urban centers.

It will link existing highway corridors across western, central and eastern regions, enabling seamless movement of people, goods and services.

The coastal road starts in Lagos and terminates in Cross River State, with a planned spur extending northwards into the hinterlands. Tinubu emphasized that the highway will revolutionize transportation nationwide while bolstering economic strengths unique to each geo-political zone. It will provide direct employment for thousands during construction, indirect jobs for tens of thousands more, while opening new economic opportunities to millions along the corridor upon completion.

Aside from the Coastal Highway, Tinubu also virtually flagged off two other major road projects – the 1,000km Sokoto-Badagry Highway traversing several northern and southwestern states, as well as the 461km -Abakaliki-Ogoja Road cutting across the southeast and north-central.

In total, his administration approved reconstruction and rehabilitation works for 330 roads and bridges across Nigeria's six geopolitical zones.

Within the Federal Capital Territory, Tinubu commissioned the long-awaited Southern Parkway project, completing a strategic artery that provides access and connectivity to the southern development areas of Abuja. A 12-lane concrete freeway with four interchanges and eight bridges, the Southern Parkway is a critical complement to the existing Northern Parkway that services the city's northern districts.

In his remarks, Tinubu praised the revolutionary changes implemented by FCT Minister to accelerate infrastructure renewal and urban development within the federal capital. The Southern Parkway itself was one project the current administration inherited and fast-tracked to completion afteryears of delays and abandonment by previous administrations.

In a symbolic milestone, Tinubu relaunched commercial operations on the Abuja Light Rail and announced that all commuters can enjoy free train rides until the end of 2024. Although inaugurated in 2018, the rail system became dormant due to lack of access infrastructure like link roads and facilities at the terminals. Within nine months, Tinubu's directive saw the FCT Administration construct access roads to the rail stations at a cost of N21.4 billion, while facilitating payment of $30 million in outstanding fees to the contractor to complete remaining works.

With two operational rail lots and 12 trains running 14 trips daily, the Abuja Metro line now has a projected monthly commuter capacity of 980,000 . Tinubu took a celebratory 40-minute inaugural ride from the city center to the airport station, describing the rail service as a symbolic milestone heralding progress and development within Abuja.

Other key projects unveiled included the Wuye Bridge Interchange, a new flyover linking the Wuse and Wuye districts that will significantly improve traffic flow and accessibility within that corridor of Abuja.

The President also commissioned the new office complex for the Defence Intelligence Agency in the capital city.

Throughout the series of project commissionings and ground-breakings, Tinubu's consistent refrain was his administration's paramount focus on catalyzing economic growth and national development through quality infrastructure delivery.

He reiterated his government's determination to uplift the welfare and prosperity of all by prioritizing investments in critical infrastructure like road and rail networks, , water supply and other amenities that enhance productivity and quality of living standards.

The president assured that no community or region would be left behind, as his administration sees governance as a continuum aimed at extending development to all parts of the country equitably.

Many of the projects unveiled had previously been stalled for over a decade due to funding inadequacies, bureaucratic delays and other bottlenecks that stymied execution.

However, the political will, decisive leadership and innovative financing approaches brought by Tinubu's government enabled their revival and accelerated completion within the first year.

Tinubu commended the collaborative efforts of ministers, contractors, state governments and all stakeholders that worked tirelessly to deliver the projects according to timelines and targets.

He said their achievements demonstrated his administration's commitment to matching words with action, and not just paying lip service to development. The projects were evidence that his team could execute on promises rather than offering empty rhetoric.

As the Tinubu administration's first anniversary events wound down, they showcased pragmatic solutions being implemented to bridge Nigeria's yawning infrastructure deficit. Addressing this gap is seen as a catalyst for driving economic growth, productivity improvements and enhancing citizens' quality of life nationwide over the long term.

The pace of project delivery so far signals the administration's strong intent to sustain investments in rebuilding core public infrastructure over the remaining three years, which could transform economic landscapes across Nigeria's states.



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