Women shares result after husband’s attempt to make breakfast

GistReel Entertainment

A Nigerian woman has sparked laughter online after sharing the outcome of allowing her husband to take charge in the kitchen. Identified as @fauziyat22, she posted a video showcasing her husband’s enthusiastic attempt at preparing breakfast—a romantic gesture that quickly turned into a… Women shares result after husband’s attempt to make breakfast …C0NTINUE READING >>>>

Falz sends message to women who have more than three eggs for breakfast

GistReel Entertainment

Falz sends message to women who have more than three eggs for breakfast …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Nigerian rapper Falz recently shared a lighthearted message aimed at women who enjoy eating more than three eggs for breakfast. On his Instagram page, the renowned rapper shared his observation about ladies capable of consuming more than three … Read more

Lecturer surprises his students with cash for breakfast

GistReel Entertainment

Lecturer surprises his students with cash for breakfast …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> The students of a Nigerian University expressed their excitement as their lecturer unexpectedly treated the entire class to breakfast. In the video shared on TikTok by @astrum_luris, the lecturer could be seen distributing two hundred naira notes to students of his class for … Read more