I almost died after terrifying flight horror – emergency landing saved my life

I almost died after terrifying flight horror - emergency landing saved my life

I almost died after terrifying flight horror – emergency landing saved my life …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> A MUM with a severe nut allergy almost died on a holiday flight after eating a chocolate bar. April McLafferty, 31, told how she was left struggling for breath after biting into the supposedly “safe” treat. 5 April almost … Read more

Scots tourist shocked after being caged & booted out of holiday hotspot immediately after landing

Scots tourist shocked after being caged & booted out of holiday hotspot immediately after landing

Scots tourist shocked after being caged & booted out of holiday hotspot immediately after landing …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> A HOLIDAYMAKER told how he was booted out of Thailand “like a criminal” after cops claimed he was travelling on a stolen passport. William Barr, 30, was stunned when border officials at Phuket Airport refused to … Read more